14 a 16 - The 3rd Beijing International Symposium and Workshop on Robotic Cardiac Surgery (BISROCS 2012) - Multidisciplinary Sessions: Cardiac, Thoracic and General Surgery, Gynaecology, Hepatology and Urology. Pequim, China.
Informações: Karen Zhao - Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, PLA General Hospital - 28 Fuxing Rd, Pequim 100853, China.
Phone: 86-10-68231559. Fax: 86-10-88211280.
E-mail: robot301@yahoo.com
Site: www.BISROCS.net
19 a 21 - Rocky Mountain Valve Symposium XXII - Mitral Valve: Surgery, Imaging, Intervention. Missoula, Estados Unidos.
Informações: Tim Descamps, Executive Director or Olivia White, Education Coordinator - International Heart Institute of Montana Foundation. Missoula, MT 59802.
Fone: 1 406 329 2676/1 406 329 5668.
Email: tdescamps@saintpatrick.org or owhite@saintpatrick.org
Site: www.rockymountainvalvesymposium.org/
24 - 45th Anniversary of the Ross Operation and 50th Anniversary of Homograft AVR. Londres, Inglaterra.
Informações: Sandra Wehr - Liebigstrasse 11- 63500 Seligenstadt, Alemanha.
Fone: 49 (0) 6182 94 666 28. Fax: 49 (0) 6182 94 666 44.
E-mail: s.wehr@kelcon.de
Site: www.homograftat50.com/
16 a 18 - 4th Joint Scandinavian Conference in Cardiothoracic Surgery. Vilnius, Lituânia.
Informações: SATS 2012 Secretariat - ViaConventus - Vilniaus str. 31/1-15, LT-01402 Vilnius, Lituânia.
Fone: 370 5 2000 778. Fax: 370 5 2000 782.
E-mail: info@sats2012.com
Site: www.sats2012.com/Invitation
30 e 31 - III Biennial Course· Hospital Alemán -Cardiotorax 2012. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Informações: Luciana Carossia - Tinogasta 4151 (C1417EIQ) Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Fone: (54-11) 3529-7130 / 4639-4820. Fax: (54-11) 35297130 / 4639-4820.
E-mail: luciana.carossia@gmail.com
Site: www.cardiotorax2012.net
7 e 8 - STS VAD Symposium: Advanced Technologies for Heart and Lung Support Symposium. Chigaco, Estados Unidos. Chicago, IL United States [iCalendar]
Informações: Michele Chao, Education Manager - The Society of Thoracic Surgeons - 633 N. Saint Clair, Street, Suite 2320 - Chicago, Illinois 60611-3658.
Fone: 1 312 202-5846. Fax: 1 312 202-5801.
Email: mchao@sts.org
Site: www.sts.org/education-meetings/educational-meetings-activities/advanced-technologies-heart-and-lung-support-symp
15 e 16 - 2012 AATS Mitral Conclave Workshop. Nagano, Japão.
Informações: Yuta Kato - Secretariat Office of 2012 AATS Mitral Conclave Workshop - Kohsai-kaikan bldg., 5-1 Kojimachi Chiyoda-ku, Tóquio 102-8481, Japão.
Fone: 81-3-5216-5318. Fax: 81-3-5216-5552.
E-mail: mitralconclave2012@congre.co.jp
Site: http://mitralconclave-jp.com/
16 a 18 - FOCUS: Valve 2012 - 4th Training Course for Minimally Invasive Valve Surgery. Innsbruck, Áustria.
Informações: Esther Lehsiak - Nobilegasse 23-25, A-1150 Viena.
Fone: 43-1-867 49 44-21. Fax: 43-1-867 49 44-20.
E-mail: office@ee-pco.com
Site: www.focusvalve.org
19 a 21 - Reconstruction of the Aortic Valve and Root - A Practical Approach. Homburg/Saar, Alemanha.
Informações: University Hospital of Saarland, Kirrbergerstr. 1 - 66421 Homburg/Saar, Alemanha.
Fone: 49-6841-1632000. Fax: 49-6841-1632005
E-mail: cardiovascular.surgery@uks.eu
Site: www.uks.eu/en/facilities/departments_and_institutes/chirurgie/department_for_cardiovascular_surgery/events/
21 e 22 - Controversies and Advances in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease: The Twelfth in the Series. Beverly Hills, Estados Unidos.
Informações: Erica Zoll or Rebecca Law. Promedica International 2333 State Street, Suite 203 Carlsbad, CA 92008.
Fone: 1 760 720-2263. Fax: 1 760 720-6263.
E-mail: ezoll@promedicacme.com or rlaw@promedicacme.com
Site: www.promedicacme.com
21 a 23 - Georgia Health Sciences University Cardiac Conference. Braselton, Estados Unidos.
Informações: Carol Ann Rosenberg, CCP. 1446 Harper Street - Augusta, GA 30912.
Fone: 1 706 721-6637. Fax: 1 706 721-6296.
E-mail: crosenberg@georgiahealth.edu
Site: www.georgiahealthcardiacconference.com/
24 e 25 - ESTS School of Thoracic Surgery (Practical Course in the Laboratory). Paris, França.
Informações: Sue Hesford - ESTS. PO Box 159 Exeter, EX2 5SH.
Fone/Fax: 44 1392 430671.
E-mail: sue@ests.org.uk
Site: www.estsschool.org
29 - BelSECT 13th Symposium on Perfusion. Bruxelas, Bélgica.
Informações: Leen Vercaemst, Perfusion Dept OKA1-E940 - Campus Gasthuisberg - Herestraat 49 - B-3000 Leuven, Bélgica.
Fone: 32 (0)16 34 86 97.
Email: leen.vercaemst@uzleuven.be
Site: www.belsect.be/symp/
4 a 6 - STS Advances in Quality & Outcomes: A Data Managers Meeting. Dallas, Estados Unidos.
Informações: Amy Dancisak, Senior Coordinator, STS National Database. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 633 N. Saint Clair St., Suite 2320 - Chicago, Illinois 60611-3658.
Fone: 1 312 202-5818.
E-mail: adancisak@sts.org
Site: www.sts.org/education-meetings/educational-meetings-activities/advances-quality-outcomes
20 a 22 - 8th Asian-Pacific Society of Atherosclerosis and Vascular Diseases (APSAVD). Phuket, Tailândia.
Informações: APSAVD 2012 Conference Secretariat - Lawson-Marsh Events Co., Ltd. 1/70-71 Soi Phaholyothin 40, Phaholyothin Road, Jatujak - Bangkok 10900 Tailândia.
Fone/Fax: 66 (0) 2940-2483.
E-mail: apsavd@lawson-marsh.com
Site: www.apsavd2012.com
20 a 23 - "Solutions to Challenges in Vascular Surgery" Australian and New Zealand Society for Vascular Surgery combined with the Asian Society for Vascular Surgery and the World Federation for Vascular Societies. Melbourne, Austrália.
Informações: Royal Australasian College of Surgeons - College of Surgeons Gardens - 250/290 Spring Street - East Melbourne VIC 3002.
Fone: 61 3 9249 1260. Fax: 61 3 9276 7431.
E-mail: vascular2012@surgeons.org
Site: www.vascularconference.com
24 a 26 - VISAR in Hong Kong - EurAsian Perspectives on Aortic Disease. Hong Kong, China.
Informações: Sabine Schaub E&E PCO, Nobilegasse 23-25 - A-1150 Viena.
Fone: 43-1-867 49 44-23. Fax: 43-1-867 49 44-9.
Email: office@ee-pco.com
Additional information: http://www.visar.at
27 a 31 - 26th EACTS Annual Meeting. Barcelona, Espanha.
Informações: EACTS Executive Secretariat - 3 Park Street Windsor, Berkshire SL4 1LU, UK.
Fone: 44 1753 832166. Fax: 44 1753 620407.
E-mail: info@eacts.co.uk
Site: www.eacts.org
28 a 31 - 8th GFHM - Global Forum on Humanitarian Medicine. Marrakech, Marrocos.
Informações: GJS Communications Sàrl. 15 Rue du Cendrier Case postale 1564 - 1211 Genève 1, Suíça.
Fone: 41 79 417 0484
E-mail: info@gjs-swiss.com
Site: www.gfhm.ch