Moise DalvaI; Grace Caroline Van Leeuwen BicharaII; Carlos Edson Campos Cunha FilhoIII; Gustavo Fernandes CarneiroIII; Gustavo Niankowsky SalibaIII; José Arteaga CamachoIII; José Viera ZárateIII; Renán Prado LímacoIII
DOI: 10.1590/S0102-76382009000400015
Dalva M, Bichara GCVL, Cunha Filho CEC, Carneiro GF, Saliba GN, Camacho JA, et al. Intermittent annular reduction with Alfieri's repair in the treatment of mitral insufficiency in children: initial results. Braz J Cardiovasc Surg. 2009;24(3):354-358