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The words of Prof. Dr. Domingo M. Braile

Domingo M. Braile

DOI: 10.1590/S0102-76382004000300001

CNPq (National Council of Scientific and Technological Development), an organ that stimulates scientific development in Brazil which was created by President Getúlio Vargas in 1951, has been of immeasurable value to the scientific community of our country, fulfilling its role by stimulating research and through this development of Brazil in this area. Even though we are far from the desired standards compared to with First World countries, CNPq has done its best with the available budget, to enable extensive access to science. One way of making this viable is to financially support scientific journals, thus, giving room for these publications, which are essential to report the results of research and discoveries, to continue.

Owing to its high standards the Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (BJCVS) has been annually chosen by the committee responsible for financing medical journals, to receive a sum of money. In 2003, it received R$35.690 and this year the committee approved the quantity of R$20.000 in August. These resources are used to pay for printing, distribution and other services, thereby helping the budget of the Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (BSCVS). Budgetary cutbacks of the Central Government caused a reduction in the sums which were destined to medical journals. As our publication is so important, we have already requested complimentary sums and we are optimistically waiting for confirmation.

We can not miss this opportunity to stress the importance of the Assistant Editor of the BJCVS, Rosangela Monteiro, who, as well as performing multiple functions that improve the quality of the BJCVS, is also responsible of communicating the data to CNPq. Because of her work providing fundamental information to CNPq we have been receiving this annual sum of money. I would also like to stress here the effort of our President, Dr. Alexandre Brick, in respect to finding more advertisers for our important publication, which is the most important link between the members of our society.

Even so, the journal requires more financial support and we must again request that members make every effort within their communities to obtain more advertisers, demonstrating to them the importance of the BJCVS, which is published in Portuguese in the printed form and in Portuguese and English in its electronic version on the site of the Society, in Scielo and in our site located in the United States together with the CTSNet, giving it an international readership. We thank the companies that have been trusting our work, putting their brands on our pages and we welcome the Hospital of Brasilia, our newest partner.

We greet the newly-elected board of directors of the BSCVS, who were elected during the congress in Curitiba and who have been working very hard to obtain new resources for our journal.

We would also like to remind our readers that the online version of the BJCVS is available in English and Portuguese at the link, since the issue 19.1. Soon, Scielo will put the first volumes to be made accessible online in both languages. Since we started as editors, we have insisted on the necessity of having the online version in English to obtain a greater number of readers. The Fapesp Journal, in its July 2004 edition, published an article with the title "In English, for the entire world to read", in which the case of the Mexican publication "Archivos Del Investigación Médica" was reported. Its editors decided to improve the quality and transformed it into "Archives of Medical Research", with works published in English. Access of the periodic increased tremendously. As an example, in 2001 the number of texts requested via Internet was of 9,872; in 2003 this had increased to 53,453. The secret, according to the editor-in-chief, Luiz Benitez-Bribiesca, is in the quality.

This is our idea exactly. With the English version, we are amplifying the number of readers and with the adoption of more rigid review criteria we are trying to adapt to the international standards. Thus, we are giving our journal the necessary quality to be accepted in Medline. We have not received any response to our request to be linked yet, but we continue sending each issue to the committee in charge of analysis and we are hopeful that we will receive an affirmative answer in the near future.

We need to maintain the high level of published articles in order for our desire to become a reality and we request the continuing collaboration of colleagues. We are still waiting for some works that were presented at the last Congress. We should remind you that they should have been sent to the BJCVS before presentation, something that unfortunately did not happen in the majority of cases. We would like, for the next congress, which has already been confirmed from 28th to 30th April 2005 in Vitória, that all works are sent to the designated representative of the journal. If not, as happened at the AATS Congress, presentation of the work will not be allowed.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone for all the kindness and prayers I received in respect to my illness. Divine intervention, the positive thoughts of all of you and the professional capacity of those who took care of me were essential for the cure. I am immensely grateful and I am sure that I have many very special friends.

My warmest regards,

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