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30 Years of BJCVS

João de Deus e BritoI

DOI: 10.5935/1678-9741.20160051

I feel glad for writing this article at the start of celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular, 1986-2016, known nowadays worldwide as the Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (BJCVS).

The BJCVS had it birth place in our Society and had been a historical successful trajectory of uninterrupted publications along these 30 years. It became the unique international publication in the field of the Southern hemisphere, Mexico, including Caribbean countries.

It was founded by the idealism led by Prof. Dr. Adib Jatene (in memoriam), who became the first Editor-in Chief for 10 years: 1986-1996. He had took the first step by indexing in Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS) and it was a powerful starting point.

Prof. Dr. Fabio B. Jatene was the second Editor-in-Chief, between 1986 and 2002, establishing the first electronic version, by indexing in Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), and introducing the peersystem.

Prof. Dr. Domingo M. Braile, in 2002, made himself available and has been dedicated permanently, as well as his predecessors, to the fate of Journal since then. His main point is continuous fights for renewal and improvement of the Journal, only compared to cut a rough diamond. After many years of fights, MEDLINE indexing was finally announced on October 31th 2007.

During the celebrations of 25 years, in 2011, we had the first Impact Factor (IF) published by ISI-Thomson Reuters, the excellent number of 0.963, almost 1, at first evaluation, which shows high degree of development of Brazilian Cardiovascular Surgery.

After indexing in the most important databases, possessing one the most qualified Editorial Board who works passionately, it was impossible to go ahead. Some changes were done to meet the needs of a new international reality. In this way, we changed the name of the Journal (BJCVS), modified the submission and evaluations electronically, which became fully in English. As a result, we started receiving articles from others 10 countries worldwide, such as the United States of America, Turkey and China, etc., as a result the publications increased from quarterly to bimonthly, in 2015. We have broken what the Editor-in-Chief commonly called the "nostalgia to remain unread by the international community" for a long time[1].

Remarkable technical innovations of our surgeons and foundation of cardiovascular surgery centers in all Brazil had been relevant in the development and increasing number of publications along the last 30 years. We should not take for granted this accomplishment, but we continued to fight to be among most important international publications of the specialty.

My thanks to the honorable invitation and congratulations to the Editor-in-Chief and his predecessors, presidents of our Society and everyone who contributed along these 30 years of the state-of-the-art of our BJCVS. Certainly, this Journal will continue in the future to come of new generations of cardiovascular surgeons worldwide. In all we have made a good choice.


1. Braile DM. 30 years of trajectory: many challenges but also many reasons to celebrate. Braz J Cardiovasc Surg. 2016;31(1):I-II. [MedLine] View article

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