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2009 - Year of many achievements!

Domingo M BraileI

DOI: 10.1590/S0102-76382009000500001

The year 2009 ends with extremely positive balance for the Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (BJCVS). The most notable achievement was the indexing by Thomson Scientific (ISI), which placed the journal on equal terms with the best scientific publications in the world and will surely attract even more excellent articles, creating the real possibility of increased citations and increasing of the Impact Factor (IF). With the increasing requirements, including from CAPES, it is imperative that the journals seek for ways to raise their IF - and with the BJCVS it could not be different.

In October and November, we had meetings promoted by the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB), among editors of scientific journals of Specialty Societies from AMB in order to clear doubts about the new criteria from CAPES for classification of Brazilian journals. On October 15th, together with the Editorial Assistant, Rosangela Monteiro, I heard the explanations of the two coordinators of the postgraduation area from Capes, especial guests, João Pereira Leite (Medicine II) and Francisco Sampaio (Medicine III) on the reasons why the CAPES have promoted the aforementioned changes, criticized by many of the publishers.

In November, the meeting occurred on 12, and the participants agreed to produce a collaborative editorial, containing the subject discussed at meetings and some suggestions for improving the assessment of Brazilian journals within the QUALIS system. I hope that the good sense prevails and we may reach a compromise that is not detrimental to the postgraduation programs and the journals included in the lower strata, which have smaller IF and are at risk of receiving even fewer quality articles and perceiving their IF declining further.

In late November, we had the honor of adding one more name of weight to our Editorial Board: Dr. Joseph A. Dearani. Member of the American Heart Association and American Association for Thoracic Surgery, among others, Physician and Professor of Thoracic Surgery of the prestigious Mayo Clinic in the U.S., he will certainly have an important role for the improvement of our journal.

BJCVS also has reasons to celebrate the Continuing Medical Education (CME). Implemented from volume 24.1, the system has been covered with full success. In this edition, there are six items available: "Risk factors for acute renal failure after heart surgery", page 441; "Fontan operation: a technique in evolution", page 463; "Surgical reverse remodelling of the left ventricle: 111 months of follow-up", page 470, "Pain and pulmonary function in patients submitted to heart surgery via sternotomy", page 497; "Coronary dominance patterns in the human heart investigated by corrosion casting", page 514; "Surgery of mitral valve regurgitation to treat the advanced heart failure", page 540.

Another new was the publication of a Special Supplement on Aorta - including the updated Aortic Guidelines - distributed to the shareholders of the Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (BSCVS) and participants of the Fifth South Brazilian Congress of Cardiovascular Surgery, that took place in Gramado (RS) during the month of August. The initiative was covered with complete success, contributing to enhance this already traditional event, and marking the BJCVS not only as a means of scientific disclosure, but as a partner attentive to the wishes of cardiovascular surgeons.

Likewise, we will publish a Special Supplement about the Congress of Cardiopediatrics, a specialty that needs special forum to disclosure the advances in this important field of Cardiovascular Surgery, in which Brazil has provided important contributions of international significance.

The BJCVS, which had shown four editions a year, will add to them two more supplements, making our journal on a bimonthly publication. We are aware of the effort that this project will represent to our little support group, but I hope that we can face this challenge.

We must also celebrate the increasing volume of submissions and, therefore, published in our journal, which grows every year. This is the result of "investment" that we have done in order to improve the visual and, especially, scientific quality of BJCVS. In 2009 we published 51 Original Articles, all with important contributions to our specialty. The "Multimedia" section, with video and written report of a surgical procedure, which started in 2008, was consolidated and attracts more readers with each issue. With the advancement and increased availability of technological resources, we should always offer to readers news that encourage reading.

Another fact that demonstrates the power of BJCVS is the number of accesses to the site (, which has been growing year by year. In the month of November we had the excellent average of 2144 hits a day.

These should be added to the access made through the SciELO site, in number of 1,899 per day, totaling the amazing average of 4043 hits to the Journal every day.

In order that we can maintain and improve the level of our journal, investments are necessary, since the ad revenue does not cover the increasing costs. Again we have requested and we were awarded the Editorial Assistance from CNPq for 2010. The amount, R$ 35000.00 (thirty-five thousand reais), is the same as previous years, insufficient to cover costs, but anyway, an important support. In this issue we are making available to readers on pages 590 to 592 the contents of the letter sent to CNPq requesting support consistent with the importance of our publication.

The BJCVS, moreover, is preparing with great care the 37th Brazilian Congress of Cardiovascular Surgery, which will occur from 25 to 27 March in Belém, PA. The event, as has been customary, will show the progress of cardiac surgery nationally and internationally and will be attended by distinguished guests from abroad. In addition, of course, this event will promote the annual confraternization between the dedicated professionals. Again, the preparation of the Program is the responsibility of BJCVS, becoming the program with summaries of the free themes, in publications of permanent consultation.

In this last edition of 2009, we maintain the tradition of disclosuring with the deserved prominence the name of all those who reviewed the articles published during the year. It is a simple way to thank the anonymous and voluntary work, but absolutely essential to maintain the standard of the journal. The list, with the number of articles reviewed by each colleague this year, is on page 597.

I could not let pass the loss of Dr. Itacir Arlindo Franceschini, who died on 27 September. He was one of the pioneers of cardiac surgery in Distrito Federal, brilliant professional and member of the Editorial Board of BJCVS and Board of Directors of BSCVS. Dr. Itacir will leave a gap that unlikely will be fulfilled.

Finally, I would like to thank all those who in some way supported the BJCVS during 2009. Members and Board of Directors of BSCVS, Editorial Board of BJCVS, Advertisers and colleagues of various specialties who provided us with their excellent articles. I offer my thank to every one of them and the certain that we will be another year together, always seeking to improve our journal.

My warmest regards. Merry Christmas and a great 2010!

Editor - BJCVS
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