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Words from Professor Dr. Domingo M Braile

Domingo M Braile

DOI: 10.1590/S0102-76382003000100001

"No subject Substitutes literature in the formation of a language. Knowledge transmitted by technical manuals and scientific treatises is fundamental, but they do not teach us how to express ourselves correctly. On the contrary, frequently they are badly written as the authors, sometimes indispuTable experts in their professions, do not know how to transmit their conceptual treasures".
Mario Vargas Llosa

Since the start of our administration as Editors of the Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular / Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (RBCCV/BJCVS), we have stressed the importance of achieving better standards in the process of elaboration and final presentation of the scientific works, so that our authors have greater international exposure and repercussions. The possibility of greater revelation of an article is a factor of extreme importance at the moment. Additionally, this represents an excellent opportunity of professional growth.

A fundamental step in this direction is the publication of articles in an online version of the journal in English, accommodated on the Scielo site ( from the 17.4 volume onwards. As the idiom that became the standard for communications between people of different origins, English is an essential requisite to obtain greater penetration in the scientific research field too, which is different to Portuguese, which, unfortunately reaches a limited number of people. We had a long meeting with the Operational Coordinator of Scielo, Professor Dr. Abel Laerte Packer, who, agreeing with our position, give his complete support so that this initiative could be made a reality as quickly as possible. However, nothing could be concretized without the collaboration of all the computer technical team, represented by the always helpful, Rafael Paiva, who has never drawn limits so that the RBCCV "Online" version might be available at the same time as the printed edition, or even earlier. I am sure that shortly we will be able to achieve this dream of worldwide inclusion.

But our concerns do not end there. Following the words of the great writer Mario Vargas Llosa, we will be publishing a series of articles which will serve as a reference for our authors and whose intention is to help them when they are preparing their manuscripts. The first on the list are "General Guidance to Writing Scientific Works" and "Statistical Methods" available in this edition.

"General Guidance to Writing Scientific Works" is a compilation of basic rules referring to the form and contents, which will facilitate the task of writing a scientific work. Several works that deal with this subject were consulted with the intention of including the main topics in which the manuscript is divided and how to write them in an adequate way. Following these suggestions the authors will have the conditions to deliver a better elaborated work which, for sure, will facilitate the task of the reviewers, thus increasing the possibility that it will be accepted and published in a shorter time.

"Statistical Methods", was originally published in English by The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, one of the most prestigious international journals in the field of cardiovascular surgery. After consulting the editors of the North American journal, they immediately authorized a free translation of the text to our language. The contents will surely be of great value to clarify doubts and assist in the collection and evaluation of the data essential for the basis of research.

Other support articles are being prepared and we are certain that all researchers will benefit from them. We would also welcome suggestions on other themes that can be dealt with and which will improve the quality of the RBCCV.

Another aspect which deserves noting, due to a suggestion of our illustrious president, Professor Dr. Jabas Dinkhuysen, there is the new system of advertising starting from this issue. Aiming at finding more partners, in stead of the size of adverts being limited to one page, as was the case until now, two new sizes have been created _ ½ page and ¼ page. Advertisements of an entire page or double page have been maintained. This practice has been adopted by several publications with very satisfactory results.

And so this is a very optimistic moment. We have all the conditions for the journal to be, in a short time, at the same level as those that serve as a reference all over the world. On the contrary to what this may seem, this is not pretentious, but to believe in the potential that the Brazilian Cardiovascular Surgeons have, not only in the exercise of their profession, but also in their scientific abilities. Proof of this is the dozens of articles and contributions with which our members toast the specialty internationally since the start until nowadays.

It is not a dream to imagine that within a time shorter than we can imagine these leading-edge works will be first published in the RBCCV. This scenario can easily become true, if there is a collective effort for us to catch up with the best of the world. We already have a "QUALIS A" distinction, the fruit of an incessant work of our antecessors and we will continue the effort so that the Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery will be included among those journals of great impact within the specialty. For us to reach our objectives, we only depend on our own interest and dedication.

It is important to stress that we noted great enthusiasm not only from the copy editors and members of the editorial board but also from other members of the SBCCV, who always expressed great encouragement and gave ideas of how to improve the quality of our publication. After the support received during the 30th Cardiac Surgery Congress in Goiania, we are certain that we are on the right track, which encourages us to continue to work to improve the quality of the RBCCV. Finally, we have some more news that we consider to be of great importance. In this issue, for the first time, we are publishing summaries of the oral free theme presentations, conventional posters and interactive posters presented at the 30th Cardiac Surgery Congress and the contents of the official program. With this, colleagues who were not able to be present will have an opportunity to be completely informed about the presented themes. Additionally these summaries are considered as publications in a scientific journal.

We will continue to try our hardest, always counting on the collaboration of our colleagues, so that this process has continuity and efficiency enabling us to reach our objectives in the shortest possible time.

My warmest regards

Domingo M Braile - Editor RBCCV
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