
lock Open Access lock Peer-Reviewed




The words of Professor Domingo M. Braile

Domingo M. Braile

DOI: 10.1590/S0102-76382004000100001

We have started this year with a very stimulating perspective for the Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (BJCVS). After being carefully prepared, a dossier requesting our inclusion in Medline was sent in February to the National Library of Medicine in the United States of America. We are confident of a positive response will be forthcoming, as our journal fulfils the necessary requisites to be linked to this important database. Our expectations increased in the beginning of march after receiving, a letter from the coordinator of the Selection Committee, Richard Better, communicating receipt of the document and requesting that we continue to send the printed copies until a decision is made. The complete letter is on page 90.

Our optimism is also due to the fact that other Brazilian scientific publications were recently accepted in Medline. We would like to thank the effort of those who have worked so hard during the preparation of the dossier - Scielo, Bireme, librarians and the Editorial Staff of the BJCVS - and who dedicated so much to the task at hand.

If we are accepted, the responsibility of all - the editor, associated editors, Editorial Council and authors - will increase significantly. The demands will be even greater and we will need better elaborated and presented articles, attempting to rigidly follow the established norms for authors. The review of existing articles will be of extreme importance too.

Authors are encouraged to cite articles that were previously published in the BJCVS, in order to increase the merit or our publication. We are sure that everyone, as has always happened, will do their best to improve the journal's position both at international and national levels.

Publication of protocols will be extremely welcome. International journals are opening generous spaces for this type of article.

We are keeping in contact with the BSC (Brazilian Society of Cardiology) aiming at increasing our integration and consequently, the exchange of information between our entities. We requested a banner to be placed on the Home Page of the BSC, to direct the reader directly to the BJCVS. See the letter to the editor on page 91. Access is achieved by the link This represents an extra benefit for all members of the BCS. We also suggested divulging the existence of the publication at the electronic address of Scielo by means of the BSC journal and communicating via email, to all the members of the BCS, each issue of the journal that is available online, as has already happened with members of the BSCVS. In the near future, we intend to advertise the online journal by means of e-mail to the members of the CTSNet.

Another question that deserves our attention is that of peer-reviewers. The reviewers perform an extremely important job for the maintenance of the credibility of journals within the scientific community and do not earn anything for this work. Scientists of developed countries and WAME (World Association of Medical Editors), an entity that brings together editors of the medical journals in many countries, are discussing and creating alternatives to finish with such distortion. Each Association would elaborate norms that, to keep the title of specialist, the professional would be required to have a specified number of credits. For this, each five reviewed articles would have the value of a published article. So, voluntary work of reviewers would give academic benefits. This procedure may soon be adopted not only by the Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (BSCVS), but also by others entities, such as CAPES AND SDBC.

We know this issue will provoke much controversy, by the fact that reviewers will have their identity revealed. But, we believe that good faith and the process of appraisal will not be compromised, because the professionals involved, as well as the evaluation mechanism excel in respect to the ethics and reviewers are aware of the important role that they have. The editor will need to act as mediator in the more complex issues, by always maintaining the editorial line of the publication and its independence. We invite all colleagues to reflect and discuss this theme. The BJCVS will be happy to receive and publish articles about this new paradigm.

As a service to our readers, we are publishing, on page 95 (not available in English), the norms to obtain the title of specialist or certificate of the BMA (Brazilian Medical Association), which has established new criteria for the recognition and denomination of medical specialties. Also included is the method of concessions of the specialist title registers.

Starting with this edition, the on-line version of our journal will be available in both Portuguese and in English, thanks to the efforts of the Scielo team, which is implementing the change. The title of the electronic version will be the Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (BJCVS), to make the access of the international community easier and, in this way, to increase the number of potential readers around the world.

My warmest regards

Domingo Braile - Editor BJCVS
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