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Impacto da transfusão autóloga no uso de concentrado de hemácias em cirurgias de revascularização do miocárdio

Leonardo Leiria de Moura da SilvaI; Anna Júlia de Borba AndresII; Roberta SengerIII; Ralf STUERMERIV; Maria Celoni de Mello de GodoyV; Eduardo Francisco Mafassioli CorreaVI; Virgínia Maria CóserVII

DOI: 10.5935/1678-9741.20130027

IAnesthesiologist, MD, MSc. University Hospital of Santa Maria (HUSM). Post-Graduate Program on Health Sciences - Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Study design, data collection, anesthesia of the patients, writing, and review
IIMedical Student. Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Data collection, structuring of the database, and review
IIIPerfusionist Nurse. University Hospital of Santa Maria (HUSM), Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Data collection, management of perfusion of patients, and review
IVCardiovascular Surgeon, MD. University Hospital of Santa Maria (HUSM), Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Surgeon who operated on patients, structuring of the database, review
VAnesthesiologist, MD, PhD. Associate Professor of Anesthesiology. Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Coorientation of the study, review
VIAnesthesiologist, MD, TSA. Chief, Division of Anesthesiology. University Hospital of Santa Maria (HUSM), Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Study design, coorientation to the study, anesthesia of the patients and review
VIIMD, PhD. Attending Physician, Division of Hematology-Oncology. University Hospital of Santa Maria (HUSM). Supervisor Professor at Post-Graduate Program on Health Sciences - Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Orientation of the study, review of data collected, review

Leonardo L M Silva Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria (HUSM) - Anesthesia Services. Av. Roraima, s/n - Prédio 22 - Campus da UFSM - Camobi Santa Maria, RS, Brazil Zip code: 97105-900 E-mail:
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