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Fibroma cardíaco mimetizando cardiomiopatia hipertrófica

Luís Alberto Dallan; Sérgio de Almeida Oliveira; Antônio Carlos P Barreto; José Carlos Rossini Iglézias; Geraldo Verginelli; Adib D Jatene

DOI: 10.1590/S0102-76381989000300010


É relatado o caso de paciente com queixa de dor precordial, dispnéia e arritmia desde a adolescência, tratada clinicamente por mais de 10 anos. Nesse período, foi submetida a inúmeros exames ângio e ecocardiográficos, com suspeita inicial de endomiocardiofibrose e, posteriormente, de cardiomiopatia hipertrófica de ventrículo esquerdo. Como houve piora progressiva da sintomatologia e ausência de resposta à medicação, foi encaminhada ao nosso Serviço, onde se diagnosticou fibroma de ventrículo esquerdo. Foi submetida, com sucesso, à ressecção cirúrgica do tumor, sendo realizada reconstrução geométrica do ventrículo esquerdo. Apresenta boa evolução, decorridos dois anos, com remissão completa dos sintomas. Destacamos a dificuldade no diagnóstico diferencial desses tumores benignos e de crescimento lento, com as cardiomiopatias hipertróficas do ventrículo esquerdo.


A 33 year-old woman was seen, for the first time, ten years ago, for evaluation of a recurrent chest pain, dyspnea and arrhythmia. She was submitted to echocardiographic studies and a cardiac catheterization. The diagnoses was endomyocardial fibrosis at first, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy after. Despite treatment with propranolol and quinidine, the episodes of dyspnea and tachyarrhythmias became more frequent and severe, and the patient was guided to our Service. Cardiac re-catheterization, echocardiographic and computed tomography studies identified in traumural cardiac fibroma and the patient was referred for surgical treatment. The cardiac fibroma was successfully resected on extracorporeal bypass and with cardioplegic arrest of the heart. Repair of the heart was accomplished with a patch placed to close the left ventricular cavity. The postoperative course was uncomplicated, and she remains assymptomatic two years later. We have emphazied tha this tumor often produces clinically obscure disease, simulating particularly the left ventricle hypertrophic cardiomiopathy.
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Article receive on sábado, 30 de dezembro de 1989

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