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Hemodynamic evaluation of myocardial protection by blood and acellular cardioplegic solutions: an experimental study

Luís Alberto Dallan; Sérgio Almeida de Oliveira; José Carlos R Iglézias; Paulo M Pêgo-Fernandes; José Otávio C Auler Júnior; Geraldo Verginelli; Adib D Jatene

DOI: 10.1590/S0102-76381990000300006


This investigation was performed in order to evaluate the degree of myocardial protection in a group of 20 dogs. They were submitted to myocardial anoxia by cross-clamping of the ascending aorta for sixty minutes under extracorporeal circulation, followed by reperfusion for 120 minutes. Hemodynamic changes of the myocardium were studied, and the protection to anoxia offered by cardioplegic solutions and hypothermia was evaluated. The animals were divided in four groups with five dogs in each. In the first and second group, called control-group, myocardial anoxia was induced in normothermia and hypothermia (28ºC). In the third and fourth groups, besides the 28ºC systemic hypothermia, coronary infusions of cardioplegic solutions with and without blood were performed. In each group of dogs a significant lowering of cardiac output was observed at 30 minutes of myocardial reperfusion. Followed 120 minutes, group III and IV dogs showed cardiac output recovevy, and the lack of elevation in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, indicating preservation of its mechanical function. This was not observed in other animals, in which cardioplegia was not used. Both cardioplegic solutions used protect efficiently the myocardial cells against anoxia in functional aspects. It was not possible, however, to demonstrate any superiority of the blood solution over an acellular solution.


Estudo experimental em 20 cães permitiu avaliar hemodinamicamente o grau de proteção miocárdica à anóxia, através do emprego de solução cardioplégica sangüínea e acelular. A Isquemia miocárdica foi obtida pelo pinçamento da aorta ascendente por 60 minutos, após instalação de circulação extracorpórea, seguida de reperfusão por 120 minutos. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos, sendo os dois primeiros controles, mantidos em normotermia e hipotermia moderada (28ºC). No terceiro e quarto grupo, além de hipotermia, foram realizadas infusões coronárias das duas soluções cardioplégicas. Todos os aniamis apresentaram queda do débito cardíaco (DC) aos 30 minutos de reperfusão miocárdica. Entretanto, decorridos 120 minutos, pode-se evidenciar, nos cães que receberam cardioplegia, a significativa recuperação da pressão sistólica (PS) do VE e a não elevação da pressão diastólica final (PDF) do VE, além da normalização do DC, o que não ocorreu nos grupos controle, especialmente em normotermia. No período de anóxia estudado, não foi possível demonstrar, com o método, diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as soluções cardioplégicas.
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Article receive on Tuesday, September 18, 1990

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