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Heart valve surgery in children and adolescents

Luís Roberto Gerola; Pablo M. A Pomerantzeff; Paulo M Pêgo-Fernandes; Noedir A. G Stolf; Miguel Barbero-Marcial; Munir Ebaid; Rachel Snitcowsky; Max Grinberg; Geraldo Verginelli; Adib D Jatene

DOI: 10.1590/S0102-76381990000300009


From January 1983 to December 1988, 131 patients with ages iqual or less than 15 years old were submitted to valve surgery; 74 (56%) were of acquired ethiology and 57 (44%) were congenital. In 100 (76.3%) patients operation was performed in only one valve. There were 63 valve replacements (re-replacement in six), 103 conservative procedures and in three valve exereses was performed. Among the 63 prosthesis, 59 (93.6%) were biological and 4 (6.3%) mechanical. Twenty-one patients (16%) were reoperated upon, 17 (81%) of them due to prosthesis dysfunction. The average time of calcification was 40 months (3.3 years). Hospitaly mortality was 7.5% and late mortality was 2.2%. In the follow-up of 2787 months/patient all of them were in fuctional class I or II (NYHA).


No período de janeiro de 1983 a dezembro de 1988, 131 pacientes, com idade igual ou inferior a 15 anos, foram submetidos a cirurgia valvar, 74 (56%) de etiologia adquirida e 57 (44%) de etiologia congênita. Em 100 (76,3%) pacientes somente uma valva foi tratada. Foram realizadas 63 trocas valvares (retroca em seis), 103 procedimentos conservadores e três exéreses valvares. Das 63 próteses utilizadas, 59 (93,6%) eram biológicas e 4 (6,3%) mecânicas. Vinte e um (16%) casos eram reoperações, sendo 17 (81%) por disfunção de prótese. O tempo médio de calcificação das biopróteses foi de 40 meses (3,3 anos). A mortalidade hospitalar foi de 7,5% e a tardia foi de 2,2%. No seguimento tardio de 787 meses/paciente, todos encontram-se em classe funcional I e II (NYHA).
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