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Successful combined operation for mitral insufficiency and atrial fibrillation in a 12 year-old patient

Francisco Gregori JrI; Samuel Silva da SilvaI; Ulisses Alexandre CrotiII; Sergio Shiguero HayashiII; Icanor Antônio RibeiroII; Pedro Aloizio KrelingI

DOI: 10.1590/S0102-76381996000200011


A combined mitral reconstructive surgery and Cox-maze operation without cryoablagao was performed in a 12-year-old female patient for the correction of a rheumatic mitral insufficiency and chronic atrial fibrillation. One year postoperative the patient was assymptomatic, in sinusal rhythm and no murmurs were observed. The Doppler echocardiogram showed an important reduction of the left atrial diameter and the cardiac catheterism confirmed an effective atrial systole.


Plastia valvar mitral combinada com cirurgia de COX (labirinto) foi realizada em uma paciente de 12 anos, para correção de insuficiência mitral reumática e fibrilação atrial crônica. Um ano após a cirurgia, a paciente encontra-se assintomática e em ritmo sinusal. O ecodopplercardiograma mostrou redução importante do átrio esquerdo e o cateterismo, assim como o ecodopplercardiograma confirmaram sístole atrial efetiva.
Full text available only in portuguese PDF format.


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Article receive on Sunday, March 31, 1996

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