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BJCVS has impact factor of 0.963

Domingo M Braile

DOI: 10.1590/S0102-76382011000200001



Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (BJCVS) had its first Impact Factor (IF) published by ISI-Thomson Reuters. We achieved excellent score of 0.963! In addition, we have the highest Immediacy Index (II) 0.772. We are the 13th Journal in Brazil.

For comparison, the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery has IF = 3.608 and the II = 0.606. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery has IF = 3.558 and the II = 0.678. The European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery have IF = 2.293 and the II = 0.670. The Asian and others that are in the CTSNet do not have IF. CAPES classifies BJCVS in medicine as stratum B2 = 40 points without limits. BJCVS Impact Factor is about 30% of the specialty journal with a higher rate, the JTCVS. We are celebrating our 25 years in high style. An IF nearly 1.0 in the first evaluation shows the high degree of development of Brazilian heart surgery.

In addition to this great news, we have more news. After scanning the collection from 1986 to 1996, our website ( was redesigned in both the visual and content aspects, to facilitate users navigation, who provide us about 4,000 hits daily.

It was a lengthy task of GN1, who manages the site, with support from the Board of the Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (SBCCV), and participation of the Editorial Board, through many meetings and suggestions that lasted for months and made it possible this final version.

Among the novelties, I can cite the revamped interface (Figure 1), reorganization of the information in the pages ; while accessing an article it is possible to view related works and other articles of the authors, links to references in the very BJCVS and PubMed / Medline; search of articles by title and summary available on all pages, possibility to filter the audience by date; quick link to most accessed items, SEO (Search Engine Otimization) more suitable to be indexed by search engines such as Google, allowing the BJCVS to appears more in searches; site accessible in all browsers, including Safari, by Apple; and site available for users of RSS, among others.



We always count with the cooperation of our readers accessing the site and giving their opinions and suggestions in order to correct any errors.

As promised at the last editorial [1], I use this space for a few words about the 38th Congress of the BSCVS, held in Porto Alegre, Brazil, from March 31 to April 2. The event took on great success, with a record number of participants (1116) and positive feedback from all involved. Sections such as "Techno College" and "Hands On", attracted many participants. Compliments to the Board of BSCVS, headed by president, Dr. Walter Gomes, and the Organizing Committee, led by Dr. Eduardo Keller Saadi, through a meticulous organization of the Congress, with support from AB Eventos, our partner in the Congress since 2007, which enabled its success.

The Free Theme winners were: 1st place - "Transcatheter implant of aortic valve: current results of the development and implantation of a new prosthesis in Brazil" , by Dr. Diego Felipe Gaia (SP) and colleagues, 2nd place - "Reduction plasty of the pulmonary artery in the Jatene operation: 5 year follow-up", by Dr. Bayard Gontijo Filho (MG), 3rd place - "Adjustable pulmonary trunk banding: activity of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase in acute ventricular overload in young goatlings ", by Dr. Fernando Atik (DF) and colleagues.

The poster winners were: 1st place - "The use of erythropoietin confers myocardial protection in ischemia and reperfusion of the neonatal myocardium" , by Dr. Orlando Petrucci (SP) and colleagues, 2nd place - "Clinical, hemodynamic and functional evolution of patients undergoing pulmonary thromboendarterectomy: a prospective analysis of 22 patients", by Dr. Andrew Telis of Vilela Araujo (SP) and colleagues, 3rd place (tied) -"The immediate result with the modified Fontan procedure: analysis of 72 patients", by Dr. Gláucio Furlanetto (SP) and colleagues, "Mitral valve replacement in pediatric patients in acute rheumatic activity", by Dr. Bruno da Costa Rocha (BA) and colleagues.

The Professional of the Year Award was granted to Dr. Gilberto Venossi Barbosa, former chairman of the BSCVS during 2009-2010, for his decades of effort in the appreciation of cardiovascular surgery professionals in Brazil, crystallized in the increase in fees determined by the Ministry of Health last year, after years of struggle and intense efforts of our representatives, led by Dr. Barbosa. Congratulations to him!

As usual, BJCVS brings high-level scientific articles demonstrating the increasing standard of our journal. In addition to them, I would like to highlight the profile of Dr. Rubens Guimarães Santos, who died last May 10, written by colleague Dr. Luiz Antonio Rivetti (pg. 303).

Within the increasing accuracy in order to publish the articles in BJCVS, I would like to readdress the issue of Clinical Essays, as previously discussed in issue 25.3 [2,3]. In addition to international institutions, Brazil also has a site in which this type of study can be registered: The site is linked to the Ministry of Health and can be used by both national and foreign researchers. Reminding that all clinical essays must be registered prior to the start of works.

We have in this edition, five more items available for testing by the system of Continuing Medical Education (CME): "Skeletonized internal left thoracic artery is associated with lower rates of mediastinitis in diabetic patients", pg. 183; "Predictors of infection in the post-coronary artery bypass graft surgery" pg. 190, "Design conception and experimental setup for in vitro evaluation of mitral prosthetic valves," pg. 197, "Brazilian perfusionists and arterial roller pump adjustment: Comparison between static and dynamic calibration method," pg. 205; The impact of blood transfusion on morbidity and mortality after cardiac surgery, pg. 222. CME is an excellent learning tool for knowledge assessment and recycling, in addition to adding a point in the revalidation of the Title of Specialist.

Warm regards,



1. Braile D. RBCCV: 25 anos de trajetória brilhante. Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc. 2011;26(1):I-II. View article

2. Braile D. RBCCV 100% digital. Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc. 2010;25(3):I-II. View article

3. Sá MPBO, Lima RC. Comitê de Ética em Pesquisas. Necessidade obrigatória. Obrigatoriedade necessária. Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc. 2010;25(3):III-IV. [MedLine] View article

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