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Endnote Web tutorial for BJCVS/RBCCV

Marcos Aurélio Barboza de OliveiraI; Carlos Alberto dos SantosII; Antônio Carlos BrandiIII; Paulo Henrique Husseini BotelhoIII; Adília Maria Pires SciarraIV; Domingo M BraileV

DOI: 10.5935/1678-9741.20150023


At present, many useful tools for reference management are available for use. They can be either off-line softwares or accessible Websites to all users in the internet. Their target is to facilitate the production of scientific text. But, to accomplish that, the featured bibliographic style should be effectively inserted, and the program has to be free. Here in this tutorial, we present Endnote Web®, a bibliographic reference management program comprising these two requirements: it contains the Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery reference format and its use is free for charge after sign-in in IP registered terminal in Web of Science®.


Diversas ferramentas de gerenciamento de referências bibliográficas estão disponíveis tanto por meio de softwares quanto websites acessíveis para todos utilizadores da Internet. Todas têm um só objetivo: facilitar a produção do texto científico, mas para que isso seja possível necessitam que o estilo bibliográfico da revista em questão esteja disponível e o programa seja grátis. Apresentamos neste tutorial o Endnote Web®, um programa de gerenciamento de referências bibliográficas que cumpre esses dois quesitos: possui o formato de referências exigido pela Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular e tem utilização grátis, após cadastro em terminal com IP cadastrado na Web of Science®.


Currently tools editing and organizing references have been growing in the Web since their use provides feasible production of papers[1]. There are many programs which create a list of references, such as Reference Manager®, RefWorks®, SciRef®, and EndNote® to name some. The Endnote Web® is a publishing program of references based on the Web. Features of this program will be the subject of our tutorial. At present, Endnote Web® also comprises the bibliographic style for both the Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery/Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular (BJCVS/RBCCV) and the Postgraduate course of São José do Rio Preto Medical School (FAMERP).

This tutorial content is divided into the following topics:

• Sign-in and consecutive accesses;

• Inserting items in the Endnote Web®;

Via Pubmed

Via Endnote Web®


• Favorite Formatting Styles

• Set "Cite While You Write®" in Word®

• Inserting and editing references in the scientific text

Our goal is to present basic instructions to the user on how to use the Endnote Web®. More detailed instructions for each available function can be obtained from the Endnote Web® site by clicking "help"[2].



At first, the user has to sign-in to Endnote Web® ( with an authenticated terminal to find out fully functional accesses; that is, IP registered in the Web of Science®. The majority of Post-Graduation, Master and Doctorate Programs, is registered in CAPES program, and home computers with remote access to these institutions have this authentication.

After the site register is finished, subsequent accesses can be obtained in any computer connected to the Internet since they occur within the subsequent 12 month-authenticated access to the current time. The 12-month period of renewal occurs every time the account is logged through authenticated access, subsequently the use of the program is long-lasting period.



Before we use Endnote Web® as reference manager software, it is necessary to feed it with all research references. These references may be obtained by searching Pubmed website, for researching directly into Endnote Web® or manually inserting articles.

Via Pubmed

Research in Pubmed website ( should be commonly performed. After the entire bibliography is collected, change the display format for MEDLINE, as shown in Figure 1. After this, the browser will display the results into text format, as it is shown in Figure 2. Save the page as is shown in Figures 3.a for Internet Explorer and 3.b for Firefox and choose txt format. If you are using Google Chrome you have to copy all text and paste it to word and save it in txt format.





Thus we created a text file with the work list with all the required fields to Endnote Web®, but we have to import the txt database to use it in the Endnote Web®. To do this, click on "collect" and "import references". Then select the txt file created in the previous step, select filter (import option) "PubMed (NLM)", target "new group" and "import". The program asks the name of the new group, in this case, can be "heart failure", completing the process.

These previous steps can be repeated indefinitely up to the author should be satisfied with all local database.

Via Endnote Web®

Surveying directly the Endnote Web® site can be another way to do research. Doing this, one needs to select "collect" from the main menu followed by "online research". Select the database "PubMed (NLM)" and "connect". The user interface is similar to the "advanced search" of Pubmed. After the search is performed, the results are presented as in Pubmed. Select items of interest and click "add to group", as shown in Figure 4. This method is fast, but it requires the researcher makes the bibliographic survey directly by the Endnote Web® site.




Undoubtedly, this is the most laborious way to insert a citation to the local database. Different from the previous methods, while including all the search at one time; manually we can include only one article at a time. This method is particularly useful regarding chapters, books, and internet sites which cannot be found in Pubmed.

To include a reference manually; click "collect", followed by "new reference". Change "type of reference" to the desired type, such as book chapter, book, thesis, dictionary, etc. Then just fill the form with required information. At the bottom of the page you can select the folder that the article will occupy. Do not forget to save typing.



Before using the Endnote Web® in Word®, it is advisable to restrict the bibliographic styles to make its use easier. Access the main menu of Endnote Web® select "format" and "bibliography". Click "favorites" and select ABNT, FAMERP and BJCVS/RBCCV, for example. These styles can be changed at any time.



For the use of Endnote Web® directly in Word® you have to install a program obtained by clicking "options" and, then "download installers". Download and install "cite while you write" Windows® or Mac® version as appropriate (Word® has to be closed). Open Word®, click "endnote" and enter login and password. They are the same as in the Endnote Web®. In "style" select "RBCCV" (Figure 5). Note that the style options are restricted to those selected as favorites in the Endnote Web® site.



You do not have to enter username and password each time the Word® is open, if you click on "preferences", "application"; "enter your Endnote Online Subscription" type "" login and password and click "remember my address and password" (Figure 6).




After configuring the bibliographic styles and inserting all the bibliography needed in the Endnote Web® site, we draw some explanation of Word® functioning. It is worth remembering that all the literature necessary for the work must be stored in the Endnote Web® site, if you need complete database just take the steps previously described.

The author should write the text normally, and when he needs to cite an article, click "insert citation", as shown in Figure 7. As soon as the search field opens, one can enter any data of the reference in question. The year, title, journal, authors or any word inside abstract can be searched. If there is more than one result, the program will find them all. The author has to double-click on what interest him. Subsequently, the citation can already be seen in the text (usually number) and the list of references at the end of the text right on the shape of the desired journal (in case BJCVS/RBCCV).



If you need to update the numbering of references due to the text rearrangement; click on "update citations and bibliography" (Figure 8). The program will make all the adjustments, even if you have modified all the text and the reference list exceeds a hundred. After no more than a few seconds, the text are properly referenced again.




Endnote Web® as reference manager software is a very useful and feasible alternative for authors who submit scientific papers to both BJCVS/RBCCV and Postgraduate course of São José do Rio Preto medical school (FAMERP). The numbering and references sequencing become faster; moreover, reducing format mistakes considerably by means of this program.


1. Oliveira MAB. BJCVS/RBCCV and Endnote. Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc. 2015;30(1):127-8. [MedLine] View article

2. Reuters T. 2015. Índice da ajuda do EndNote on-line [cited Mar 3, 2015]. Available from:

Authors' roles & responsibilities

MABO: Analysis and interpretation of data; final approval of the manuscript; study design; writing of the manuscript or critical review of its content

CAS: Drafting of the manuscript and critical review of its content

ACB: Drafting of the manuscript and critical review of its content

PHHB: Manuscript writing and critical review of its content

AMPS: Analysis and interpretation of data; study design; drafting of the manuscript and critical review of its content

DMB: Final approval of the manuscript; study design; writing of the manuscript or critical review of its content

Article receive on Monday, February 23, 2015

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